
MAGCODE: models for calculating magnetic fields and interactions

This repository contains code originally written for my PhD for calculating the forces (and stiffnesses) between permanent magnets and arrays of magnets.

The GitHub repository for this code is located at:

It has been originally written in Matlab and a little Mathematica, and I plan on adding translations into other programming languages as time permits. Contributions happily accepted.


As time goes by, it becomes increasingly difficult to build on the work of our predecessors unless we build tools to abstract the ideas we invent in our research. This code marks my first attempt to freely share, in a useful way, the work of my PhD.

Installation and information

The matlab/ subdirectory of this repository contains the main source files. After cloning the Git repository, you can simply add the matlab/ folder to your Matlab path in order to start using the code. The documentation matlab/magcode-matlab.pdf contains both a user’s guide and the documented source code in a literate programming style.

If you are a Mathematica user please explore; the code here is not as fully developed but also contains some more extensive work from my PhD.

The code under ansys/ is a historic collection of material for calculating magnetic fields and forces using Ansys Classic, driven by Matlab code to write the APDL files. Now that Ansys has incorporated Maxwell into its product suite for EM simulations, it’s possible that this code is no longer particularly useful.


The examples/ subdirectory contains a number of files to illustrate the use of the magnetforces code (and other related things).

Some of these examples relate to cases from the literature. These include (non-exhaustive):

Test suite

The files located in matlab/testsuite contains a number of automated tests to ensure that future changes don’t break existing functionality or start producing incorrect results. They are not yet comprehensive.


The following students have contributed to this work over the years:


Licence for modification and distribution

This work is freely modifiable and distributable under the terms and conditions of the Apache License v2. In effect, you are free to do with this code as you wish for the development of free or proprietary software. Distributions of modified works must retain the original copyright notices and contain a list of modifications made, but this is only an expository notice; please see the licence text for complete details.

Copyright 2009–2018 Will Robertson